Skin care 101

How to Care for the Skin Around Your Eyes

Proper skin care is a must for a healthy and youthful glow, and there are many ways to keep it in its best condition. However, the things you do for the rest of your face may not always work the same for the skin around your eyes. The areas above and under the eyes are naturally thin and delicate; they provide room for tiny fat pads that cushion and protect the eye from injury. As such, there are slightly different ways to care for these areas. The skin care basics you’re already aware of can help, but more effective and gentle protective methods and products are the way to go for this sensitive skin area. Here’s how to care for the skin around your eyes:


How to Reverse Sun-Damaged Skin

Dermatologists agree that sun damage is the number one affront to our skin’s youthful appearance. From causing dark sun spots and discoloration to bringing out premature wrinkles and fine lines, sun damage is the biggest culprit to premature aging on our face and neck.


Melasma or Sun-damaged Skin? Find out the Root Cause of Your Hyperpigmentation and How to Treat It

Is blotchy, discolored skin becoming a problem for your self-esteem? You are NOT alone! Sure, it’s not a club that anyone enjoys being a part of, but it might help to know that up to 40% of the population complains of hyperpigmentation.  Sun-spots, liver spots, patches of dark skin called melasma - they’re all included in the umbrella of hyperpigmentation. 


Why a Skincare Routine Should Be Part of Your Mental Wellness Plan

Mental health has become a pressing concern since the pandemic caused a surge in mental health symptoms, with almost half of U.S. adults developing some form of anxiety or depressive symptoms. Various organizations like WHO and the CDC are now providing resources and a supportive ecosystem for those who need them. They also raise awareness about solutions to manage mental health, one of which is creating a mental wellness plan — which helps you keep track of and address factors that affect your mental health.


Are you moisturizing your skin correctly?

Moisturizer seems simple enough. But if you think you’re doing everything right, you might be surprised to learn that you could be moisturizing better. 

We’d love to walk you through some pro tips to boost your skin’s hydration to prevent flaking and dullness.


What happens when you switch to a new skincare

You started a new skincare routine and your skin suddenly starts flaking. Should you be worried?


Top tips to get spot-free, glowing skin!

You just started a new skin care routine and you see more acne than usual. At this point, you might start wondering: “What should I expect my skin to look like?”


A Comprehensive Guide on How to Use Pure Hyaluronic Acid Serum

Hyaluronic acid is often used in cosmetics for its ability to help the skin retain moisture. It can help battle dry skin, aging, and various other skin ailments. In this article, we want to go into detail and discuss the use of hyaluronic acid (HA) in a serum. We will cover the what, why, how and when of using a hyaluronic acid serum.


A Comprehensive Guide on How to Use a Vitamin C Serum

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that’s naturally found in many foods. Broccoli, red peppers, oranges, and lemons are loaded with it. However, while the fruity-tasting vitamin is important for your body, it’s also got various skin-related benefits.


The Essential Skincare Routine Cheat Sheet

With all the crazy skin products on the market today, it can make your head spin, wondering which products you should be using and in which order. To help keep you straight, we’ve compiled the essential skincare routine cheat sheet for happy, healthy skin.


Skincare Routine for Spring Breakouts

As the snow begins to melt and the last of the holidays wind down, Spring starts showing signs of life again. The air temperatures rise and the humidity in the air increases. We can finally throw open our windows and turn off our heaters. But what do all these changes mean for your morning and evening hygiene routine?


Why is Dr. Pimple Popper So Popular?

Nauseating close ups of puss and blood splurging out of clogged pores, cysts and boils—why would anyone want to watch this stuff? While this may be a boggling pass time for some, the fact remains that people—lots and lots of people—not only take pleasure from watching these videos, they make it a habitual activity.


Your Skin’s Renewal Process and What It Means For Your Skin Care Routine

You know how some lizards can lose a tail and grow it back? Or snakes who drop their entire skin at once? Well, we aren’t so different. Humans have our own reptilian regeneration power.


Keep Your Skin Lush This Winter—Whatever Your Skin Type!

Winter is coming. 

And with it, skin can turn into a white walker, with all the life sucked out of it.  It’s pretty scary stuff. 

Of course, it depends on where you live, but for a good amount of people, winter weather is cold and dry. Why do summers tend to be humid and winters dry? 


Why Pore Strips Will Ruin Your Skin (and other bad habits!)

I’ve written before about how pore strips can totally ruin your skin, all while under the guise of being effective. Quick tip: They’re not doing you any favors!

While they may seem helpful in the immediate, they actually cause way more damage than not. In fact, they make your pores bigger over time! I don’t know about you, but I’ve never heard of anyone who wants bigger pores—am I right?


5 Reasons Why Women Are Switching To This Skin Care

Step up your beauty game and end the nightmare of acne, blackheads, wrinkles, dark spots, and more. We all know the benefits of having a solid daily skin care routine. Here’s why I swapped all my skin care products for this 4-step personalized skin care routine and why you should, too!


Wrinkle Reducing Hacks

Wrinkles are a natural part of aging; they add character, sophistication and even beauty. People say that wrinkles show a map of your life, which is pretty darn cool. 

But we get it. You don’t necessarily want excessive wrinkles, nor do you want to wrinkle before your time. They’re great for a grizzled, old character in a story, but not on your face, right? 


Skin care and the cost of packaging

We’ve spoken before about skin care prices and the wacky variation of cost: sometimes crazy expensive, and sometimes dubiously cheap. 

What’s the deal?  Is the quality of skin care directly reflected in its cost, or is there more going on?


8 Acne Causes You Haven’t Yet Considered

First of all, acne is not just a cool word for really bad or chronic pimples.  When we talk about acne, we’re talking about the medical term for acne. Acne is a chronic condition, which means it’s a recurring problem on your face, chest or back. Acne causes redness and inflammation in patches, not just a cluster of two or three pimples that are red and inflamed because you pick at them when you’re bored in algebra. 


Face Mapping: The Location of Your Break Outs Can Reveal the Cause - And the Solution!

Where do you break out the most? Everyone has that ‘special’ area that seems to be perfectly fertile ground for acne—whether it’s your forehead, lips, cheeks, chin, neck or nose, it’s like pimples are just attracted to this one part of your face again and again…and again. UGH. Luckily, if you suffer from repeated acne break outs in the same area, you can actually use this information to your advantage as you seek to resolve your acne.


Does tea tree oil prevent acne?

Does tea tree oil really prevent acne or is it just a myth? Let's me explain...


Sunscreen: is it really necessary to wear every day?

Today I wanted to talk about an essential question that plagues so many when it comes to skin care: Sunscreen—is it really necessary?


What the heck is bacon-face

Ever heard of “bacon-face?” That’s when your skin is so oily you could fry bacon on it. It’s a nasty little joke my friends and I used - although it was usually self-deprecating humor.


7 major skin care sins you’re making every morning

Have you ever heard the saying that your morning routine sets the tone for the rest of your day? The same is true for your morning skin care routine! There are sneaky little sins creeping their way into your morning skin care routine that you may have not even been aware of.


7 ways to reduce wrinkles and look younger instantly

Wherever you are in your wrinkle-journey, we can all agree that wrinkles are a part of life & something we probably hope to avoid for as long as possible. You may have also wondered how to get rid of those pesky wrinkles once they’ve officially set into your skin.


9 warning signs that it's time to switch up your skin-care routine

We get it - embracing change can be hard, especially when it comes to your skin care routine. It’s so easy to get comfortable with the products & routine that is familiar to you, but sometimes it is just necessary to change things up.


Don’t burn your face with DIY aspirin mask

So the other day I was talking to my friend Maggie, and she was telling me about this facial she tried where she ground up aspirin and turmeric into yogurt and pasted it on her face. I’m sorry - what?!


5 things women with perfect skin do every day

We all know that one woman, the one who always has perfect skin. Each time you see her, you can’t help but wonder, How does she do it? What kinds of fancy procedures is she getting? Which expensive cream is she using?


Survey says you’re likely overwashing your face

Maybe you already knew this, but overwashing your skin is actually a thing. In fact, more people overwash their skin than those who don’t wash enough. You would probably think it’s the other way around.


How to pick the perfect moisturizer for your skin

Hi there!
Let’s talk one of the most basic aspects to good skin care: moisturizer.


Are high priced skin care products better than lower cost items?

I know – I KNOW I know I know. Skin care products and the crazy range of prices they come in. Let’s talk about it, ok? I’ll be super transparent about why Y’OUR customized skin care routine is pricier than your generic $10 face cleansers. (AND why it’s wayyy cheaper than the $400/month luxury brands)


The Routine That Changed My Skin for Good

Finding the right products to work with my skin has always been a struggle. My skin is a tricky combination of oily in some areas, but dry and dull in others. I’ve even begun to see wrinkles and fine lines around my eyes when I smile. Anti-acne products are harsh and targeted for younger skin types and always end up drying out my oily skin, but anti-aging products trigger my acne as they are made for much older skin. I was struggling to find products tailored to my skin until a friend told me to take the Y’OUR Skin Quiz.


Why isn’t your skin care product/routine working?

It’s Britney, here.
I figured I’d go ahead and answer my most-asked question about skin care right off the bat for you:
Why isn’t my skin care product/routine working?!


Why you need a personalized skin care routine

We all know the benefits of having a solid daily skin care routine. However, is it really necessary to have a personalized skin care routine? Today, we wanted to share a few quick reasons why having a personalized & effective skin care routine is so important.


How To Get Rid Of Whiteheads Forever

We all know the struggle of dealing with pesky whiteheads. The white, round bumps on the surface of your skin, that love to come along with hormonal breakouts and acne. Whiteheads are a clogged pore covered with a thin layer of skin, giving it the appearance of a small white bump. While they may look smaller, these small bumps are actually harder to treat than their dark counterparts, blackheads. Both of these are signs of clogged pores, but whiteheads are further under the skin, making it more difficult for treatment to work. They are easier to treat than red inflamed pimples, which represent more of a bacterial reaction or your skins sensitive reaction to irritation.


How to get rid of blackheads instantly

I’ve had blackheads my entire life. Or to be more specific, ever since that inevitable and fateful day that my hormones shifted, and I began the transformation into a woman. My body adjusted over time, but the blackheads have remained a lifelong nemesis. Copious amounts of black pores dot my nose, making me feel unattractive and, to be honest, gross.


When you SHOULD pop your pimples...

I know you do it. We all do it. Honestly, who can stand walking around all day with a hideous, juicy red and white zit practically reaching out and shaking the hand of everyone you meet before you get a chance to introduce yourself.


5 Foods That Cause Acne & The Clear Skin Diet

Your diet and the foods you eat have an impact on every part of your life, including your skin. Many people look for years for the solutions to common skin issues, only to find out that their diet could have been causing acne or dryness all along. Learn more about how your skin reacts to common irritants and find out how you can improve your skin, from the inside out.


How to naturally reduce dark spots?

I love a good wine, but not this kind of whine:
Wahhh, my natural skin care products won’t get rid of dark spots on my face!


4 simple tricks to reduce breakouts...

I love junk food as much as the next girl. I mean, just because I’m a skin care proponent doesn’t mean I can help myself around a bag of Doritos.


When should you start anti-aging cream?

Myspace was the coolest new thing on the internet.
Napster was weeks away from being sued by Metallica.
The whole country was waiting to see if the Y2K bug was going to crash the banking systems.
You were partying like it was 1999 – because it was 1999.


How to get rid of post-acne dark spots

If you're an acne sufferer, you're probably familiar with all the post-acne dark spots. I mean, what’s the POINT of getting all this fantastic skin care product that clears our acne if we still have to cake on makeup to cover the residual dark spots? I can’t exactly be a spokesperson for skin care if I look like a Dalmatian.


How to choose an anti-aging cream that won't make you break out

My friend Maggie didn’t expect her first time buying age cream would lead to such an emotional meltdown. But she told me her hilarious story, and I asked her to blog it and share it with you all.


Take The Skin Quiz